7145.7 mi.
1150 Washington Blvd

Rich Nelsen

Chief Executive Officer

Rich brings more than three decades of leadership and a proven track record in rapid business growth to VASA. Rich has led VASA to record profit growth, has recruited talent for VASA’s leadership team to make it one of the most diverse in the industry, and has evolved its brand to be centered around human connection and community.

Previously, Rich was CEO at In-Shape Health Clubs, where he led a successful culture change and record-breaking membership growth. Prior to his time at In-Shape, Rich was a senior executive at Starbucks Coffee Co. for 13 years where he held several domestic and international roles and was known for his vision in building great teams, elevating service, and delivering results in every region he led. Prior to Starbucks, Rich held executive roles with Clark Retail Enterprises and Taco Bell.

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